Zhihui Wang, PhD

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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Wang is an expert at the forefront of research in the fields of computational biology, modeling-aided drug target discovery, biophysical modeling of drug transport, and multiscale cancer modeling. Dr. Wang has developed expertise in both computational and translational research, and has successfully acted as an intermediary, catalyst, and team leader at the intersection of mathematics/engineering and the biology/medical fields. This intermediary role between medical and mathematical fields is of particular importance, facilitating discoveries that are only possible through a joining of these distinct but important research fields.

Research interests

Dr. Wang’s research spans a broad spectrum of applied mathematics, probability modeling, and systems biology and medicine. Dr. Wang’s research focuses on integrating mathematical, physical, and statistical methods with experimental investigations and patient data analysis to quantitatively study tumor progression and invasion, to help improve prediction of treatment efficacy and optimize treatment planning. Furthermore, he has been developing practical mathematical tools that can potentially be used by doctors in the clinic to predict the outcome for each individual patient prior to actual treatment. 

External positions

Professor of Research in Physiology and Biophysics, Weill Cornell Medical College

Dec 12 2019 → …

Research Area Keywords

  • Cancer
  • Imaging & Radiology
  • Nanomedicine
  • Precision Medicine
  • Regenerative Medicine
  • Systems Medicine & Bioinformatics


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