
At 37 yrs of age, one of the youngest to get NIH R01 award (average age for first time R01 is 43-45 yrs) • Funded Grants Received Outstanding Scores – R01 received 4 percentile, MDA grant received the perfect 1 percentile. (Endorsement for the research plan and augurs well for future success) • Already Published 50 Peer-reviewed publications, which have received more than 1500 citations, with h-index of 23. Seven of these as communicating author. • Successful grant awards from multiple federal & non-profit originations. Currently has 5 grant awards (NIH, MDA, ALSA, ADA and Melo Brain Funds). High success rates for submitted grant applications at this stage of career. • Invited to guest edit special issues from reputed journals in the field, Invited to write/edit book from Elsevier, Invited to review MS from > 30 journals, Invited to review grants from funding agencies from USA, Europe and Asia (a distinct accomplishment at this stage of career). • Invited as Speaker in Various International Conferences. (Gave talks in >10 Conferences since 2013) • Productive Collaborations with Established Leaders in the field
Granting OrganizationsBaylor College of Medicine
