Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1988 …2024

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Torre-Amione received his first academic appointment in 1995 as a Clinical Instructor at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. He became an Assistant Professor there one year later, the same year he became the Medical Director for the Cardiac Transplant Service at Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center. Dr.Torre-Amione joined the Houston Methodist Specialty Physician Group and Weill Medical College in 2005.

Research interests

Dr. Torre-Amione is the director of the Heart Failure Research Laboratory at Houston Methodist, and conducts research examining the mechanisms of immune activation and inflammation as it relates to myocardial dysfunction in the areas of heart failure and cardiac transplantation. The doctor and his colleagues have conducted numerous studies that suggest novel immune modulatory therapies for the treatment of heart failure and transplant patients. Dr. Torre-Amione led the first two FDA-approved trials of Celacade with impressive results, and a Phase III trial is underway. Other studies underway in the Heart Failure Research Laboratory are investigating additional immune response pathways that contribute to the progression of heart failure, including the role of heat shock proteins and cardiac mast cells.

Education/Academic qualification

Interventional Cardiology, Clinical Fellowship, Baylor College of Medicine

Aug 1 1992Jun 30 1995

Award Date: Jun 30 1995

Internal Medicine, Residency, Baylor College of Medicine

Jul 1 1990Jul 30 1992

Award Date: Jul 30 1992

MD, Facultad De Medicina - Instituto Tech.

… → May 31 1985

Award Date: May 31 1985

Cardiology, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Baylor College of Medicine

Immunology, PhD, University of Chicago

Research Area Keywords

  • Regenerative Medicine

Free-text keywords

  • Heart failure
  • Cardiac transplant
  • Immune activation
  • Inflammation
  • Heat shock proteins
  • Cardiac mast cells


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