Anisocoria — abnormally large pupil

Arielle Spitze, Alexander S. Davis, Nagham Al-Zubidi, Sushma Yalamanchili, Andrew G. Lee

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


A 60-year-old woman presented with a three-week history of a dilated right pupil associated with symptoms of difficulty reading, increased photosensitivity, and headache when going outside. Past medical history was significant for well-controlled hypertension on antihypertensive agents and stable mitral valve prolapse. Past ocular history was significant for recent blepharoplasty in both eyes (OU). The remainder of the medical, surgical, and social history was unremarkable. On examination, the patient had a distance visual acuity of 20/25 OU but decreased near vision of J16 in the right eye (OD) and J1 in the left eye (OS) with a correction of +2.50 sphere. Pupils measured 6.5 mm OD and 5 mm OS in the dark and 6 mm OD and 3 mm OS in the light. There was no relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD). There was however mild light-near dissociation noted OD. Additionally, the right pupil had an ovoid shape, elongated vertically (Fig. 2.1). Motility examination was full OU and the patient was orthophoric in all diagnostic positions of gaze. Intraocular pressure measurements were 16 mmHg OU. Automated visual field testing (Humphrey 24-2) was normal OU. External exam was negative for ptosis, scalp tenderness, or temporal artery nodularity. On slit lamp examination, there was sectoral iris sphincter paresis (i.e.,

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationQuestions and Answers in Neuro-Ophthalmology
Subtitle of host publicationA Case-Based Approach
PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing Co.
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9789814578783
ISBN (Print)9789814578769
StatePublished - Jan 1 2014

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Medicine(all)
  • Neuroscience(all)


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