Biomedical research priorities in the 1970's

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

1 Scopus citations


The biomedical research apparatus established through Federal support in our country has made the United States the world leader in medical discovery and development. The overall aim of this system is to gain new knowledge which will decrease premature death and will improve the quality of life for the widest number of people. There is dissatisfaction from the public and Congress in some areas over a lack of apparent results that can be practically applied, over inequitable distribution of medical care and ever-rising costs in the health care delivery system. The author makes the plea that a continued support of biomedical research be a sine qua non of public policy. The biomedical research apparatus must not be allowed to disappear and must receive continued support that allows growth and seizure of new opportunities. Support should not fall below the current ratio of research expenditures to the national health expenditures, namely 1 to 25. Second, the author recommends that the biomedical research community assume a new responsibility concerning the quality of health care in our country. The role would be an advisory one and would be concerned with the establishment of standards and with making decisions as to when knowledge is ripe for transfer into health practices. Finally, the author recommends the support of programs of education, and control and demonstration, of preventive medicine and of research into the most effective modalities of promoting technology transfer.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCardiovascular Research Center Bulletin
Number of pages9
StatePublished - Dec 1 1977

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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