Human Fetal Neural Stem Cells for Neurodegenerative Disease Treatment

Daniela Ferrari, Maurizio Gelati, Daniela Celeste Profico, Angelo Vescovi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

14 Scopus citations


Clinical trials for Parkinson’s disease, which used primary brain fetal tissue, have demonstrated that neural stem cell therapy could be suitable for neurodegenerative diseases. The use of fetal tissue presents several issues that have hampered the clinical development of this approach. In addition to the ethical concerns related to the required continuous supply of fetal specimen, the necessity to use cells from multiple fetuses in a single graft greatly compounded the problem. Cell viability and composition vary in different donors, and, further, the heterogeneity in the donor cells increased the probability of immunological rejection or contamination. An ideal cell source for cell therapy is one that is renewable, thus eliminating the need for transplantation of primary fetal tissue, and that also allows for viability, sterility, cell composition, and cell maturation to be controlled, while being inherently not tumorigenic. The availability of continuous and standardized clinical grade normal human neural cells, able to combine the plasticity of fetal tissue with an extensive proliferating capacity and functional stability, would be of paramount importance for the translation of cell therapy for central nervous system (CNS) disorders into the clinic. Here we describe a well-established protocol to produce human neural stem cells following GMP guidelines that allows us to obtain “clinical grade” cell lines.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationResults and Problems in Cell Differentiation
Number of pages23
StatePublished - Jan 1 2018

Publication series

NameResults and Problems in Cell Differentiation
ISSN (Print)0080-1844
ISSN (Electronic)1861-0412

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Developmental Biology
  • Cell Biology


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