Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus USA300 Latin American variant in patients undergoing hemodialysis and HIV infected in a hospital in bogota, Colombia

Marylin Hidalgo, Lina P. Carvajal, Sandra Rincón, Alvaro A. Faccini-Martínez, Alba A.Tres Palacios, Marcela Mercado, Sandra L. Palomá, Leidy X. Rayo, Jessica A. Acevedo, Jinnethe Reyes, Diana Panesso, Paola García-Padilla, Carlos Alvarez, Cesar A. Arias

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We aimed to determine the prevalence of MRSA colonization and examine the molecular characteristics of colonizing isolates in patients receiving hemodialysis and HIV-infected in a Colombian hospital. Patients on hemodialysis and HIV-infected were prospectively followed between July 2011 and June 2012 in Bogota, Colombia. Nasal and axillary swabs were obtained and cultured. Colonizing S. aureus isolates were identified by standard and molecular techniques. Molecular typing was performed by using pulse-field gel electrophoresis and evaluating the presence of lukF-PV/lukS-PV by PCR. A total of 29% (n = 82) of HIV-infected and 45.5% (n = 15) of patients on hemodialysis exhibited S. aureus colonization. MSSA/MRSA colonization was observed in 28% and 3.6% of the HIV patients, respectively and in 42.4% and 13.3% of the hemodialysis patients, respectively. Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec typing showed that four MRSA isolates harbored the type IV cassette, and one type I. In the hemodialysis group, two MRSA isolates were classified as belonging to the USA300-LV genetic lineage. Conversely, in the HIV infected group, no colonizing isolates belonging to the USA300-Latin American Variant (UDA300-LV) lineage were identified. Colonizing isolates recovered from the HIV-infected group belonged to the prevalent hospital-associated clones circulating in Latin America (Chilean [n = 1] and Pediatric [n = 2]). The prevalence of MRSA colonization in the study groups was 3.6% (HIV) and 13.3% (hemodialysis). Surveillance programs should be implemented in this group of patients in order to understand the dynamics of colonization and infection in high-risk patients.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere0140748
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 16 2015

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