Modulatory effects of intravesical P2X2/3 purinergic receptor inhibition on lower urinary tract electromyographic properties and voiding function of female rats with moderate or severe spinal cord injury

Betsy H. Salazar, Kristopher A. Hoffman, Chuan Zhang, Yingchun Zhang, Yolanda Cruz, Timothy B. Boone, Alvaro Munoz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


Objectives: To evaluate the role that intravesical P2X2/3 purinergic receptors (P2X2/3Rs) play in early and advanced neurogenic lower urinary tract (LUT) dysfunction after contusion spinal cord injury (SCI) in female rats. Materials and Methods: Female Sprague-Dawley rats received a thoracic Th8/Th9 spinal cord contusion with either force of 100 kDy (cN); moderate) or 150 kDy (cN; severe); Sham rats had no injury. Evaluations on urethane-anesthetised rats were conducted at either 2 or 4 weeks after SCI. LUT electrical signals and changes in bladder pressure were simultaneously recorded using cystometry and a set of custom-made flexible microelectrodes, before and after intravesical application of the P2X2/3R antagonist AF-353 (10 μM), to determine the contribution of P2X2/3R-mediated LUT modulation. Results: Severe SCI significantly increased bladder contraction frequency, and reduced both bladder pressure amplitude and intraluminal-pressure high-frequency oscillations (IPHFO). Intravesical P2X2/3R inhibition did not modify bladder pressure or IPHFO in the Sham and moderate-SCI rats, although did increase the intercontractile interval (ICI). At 2 weeks after SCI, the Sham and moderate-SCI rats had significant LUT electromyographic activity during voiding, with a noticeable reduction in LUT electrical signals seen at 4 weeks after SCI. Intravesical inhibition of P2X2/3R increased the ICI in the Sham and moderate-SCI rats at both time-points, but had no effect on rats with severe SCI. The external urethral sphincter (EUS) showed strong and P2X2/3R-independent electrical signals in the Sham and moderate-SCI rats in the early SCI stage. At 4 weeks after SCI, the responsiveness of the EUS was significantly attenuated, independently of SCI intensity. Conclusions: This study shows that electrophysiological properties of the LUT are progressively impaired depending on SCI intensity and that intravesical P2X2/3R inhibition can attenuate electrical activity in the neurogenic LUT at early, but not at semi-chronic SCI. This translational study should be useful for planning clinical evaluations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)538-547
Number of pages10
JournalBJU International
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2019


  • P2X3, P2X2 purinergic receptor
  • cystometry
  • electromyography
  • lower urinary tract
  • spinal cord injury

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Urology


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