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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Chamsi-Pasha did his internal medicine training at the Cleveland Clinic in 2013. In 2016, he completed cardiovascular disease fellowship program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He then moved to Houston and did 2-year advanced cardiac imaging fellowship at the DeBakey Heart and Vascular Institute, then started his academic career at Houston Methodist in 2018 as an assistant professor and associate director of the echocardiography laboratory.

Research interests

Dr. Chamsi-Pasha area of expertise is multimodality cardiac imaging (including echocardiography, cardiac CT, cardiac MRI and nuclear cardiology), especially pertaining to structural and valvular heart disease. His research interest is focused on improving diagnostic accuracy of cardiac imaging and correlating imaging findings with patient outcomes.

Research Area Keywords

  • Heart & Vascular
  • Clinical Care
  • Clinical Translation & Trials
  • Outcomes, Quality & Health Care Performance

Free-text keywords

  • Multimodality cardiac imaging


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