Johnny Xiao, PhD

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Research interests

Dr. Xiao’s research interests are related to how the immune system responds to allotransplants, with specific emphasis on the fundamental mechanisms that control various T cell programs involved in transplant rejection and tolerance. One of the key aspects of his recent research focuses on the role of costimulatory molecules in T helper cells differentiation, functions, and fate decisions.

Personal profile

Dr. Xiang Xiao earned his Ph.D. in cell biology from University of Science and Technology of China in Heifei, China in 2005. He completed his postdoctoral fellowship training at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School in Boston in 2013. After that, he joined Houston Methodist Research Institute as a research scientist. Dr. Xiao is now an assistant research professor of transplant immunology in surgery. Dr. Xiao studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms T cell functions relevant to transplant tolerance. He has published more than 20 original papers and review articles in high-impact scientific journals.

Education/Academic qualification

Cell Biology, PhD, University of Science and Technology of China

Sep 1 2002May 8 2005

Award Date: May 8 2005

Transplantation Immunology, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Harvard University

Jul 5 2011Mar 4 2013

Transplantation Immunology, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Nov 6 2006Jul 4 2011

Research Area Keywords

  • Immunobiology & Inflammation
  • Transplantation


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